Friday, April 15, 2011

Journal 03 Peer Dialogue 01

The first blog that I visited out my 2 face-value group was Golnaz's. Her blog was very simply done and efficiently laid out. While scrolling down the page, the first thing that really caught my eye was her pattern image of the aerial view of landscape. When you think about it, it really is amazing to see how, as Golnaz stated, we have this subconcious need as humans to keep everything in an order or pattern. I also really liked her photo of a bee's honeycomb nest as an example of a pattern. She took a very creative view on ideas for her journal post on paterns.
Scrolling a little bit farther down the page led me to Golnaz's first course reflection. I agreed with a lot of the things that she stated in her post, and more specifically, I also really enjoyed the fieldtrip around campus and getting to see firsthand some of the things that we had just talked about in class in the previous lecture. Lastly, in Golnaz's "about me" post she talked about how she works for a translation and interpretation agency. To me, that sounds like it would be a very interesting experience to have!
You can view all of Golnaz's blog by clicking HERE.

The next blog in my face-value group is Kris D's and can be found HERE. The layout of his blog is very simplistic but yet unique at the same time. I like how everything is centered and how it almost looks like a newspaper. Outside of the layout however, there really isn't too much posted content to comment about yet. His introduction about himself though was very witty and funny to read. I can definitely relate to the coffee addiction, but I haven't quite reached the liter a day level yet! Also, facebook definitely has to be a curse of some kind...I always seem to end up on it when I'm supposed to be doing homework and I honestly have no idea how. I also like Kris's take on what he would like to get out of this class. The last sentence of his introduction post says that he mainly wants to be able to determine if something was well or poorly designed. I don't know why but I never thought to look at that as something to take out of the class until reading his post.
Kris's second post is a link to a long list of patterns titled "Soviet Fabrics of the 20's-30's." There seemed to be a lot of common color themes in many of the patterns and some of them were very intersting to look at. His last post was a random link to an article about installing "toepeners" which wasn't required for any of the assignments so far but was actually a very good and interesting idea!

The last design blog on my list was created by Joseph L. Joseph has taken this class before in a previous quarter and has many more posts on his blog than the other two members of my face-value group. However, I started by only really viewing his posts that began on April 9th up until now. Like Joseph, I am also interested in the computer graphics part of the design field and was glad to find that I wasn't the only one in my group with that interest. Joseph's assignment three was short and to the point and I really liked the 2nd and 3rd pictures that he attached as part of his post, although, I would fix the layout of the last picture since it overlaps on the words a little. Lastly, Joseph makes some very good points that I could easily agree with on his reading refelction 01. It really is mind blowing to think about how much of this world is "designed" and how it wouldn't be the same without all of the different things that this field has contributed. If you want to read further into any of Joseph's posts, his blog can be found HERE.

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