Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Course Reflection 01

The first four design classes that I have attended this quarter have been very interesting and have been a great introduction into the basics of all things design related. As my first design course, the simple ideas and definitions presented to me have really started to jog my mind and expand on my idea of exactly what design is. When I think of "design" the first thing that comes to my mind isn't usually a chair. However, this class is beginning to allow me to realize how much of a part design truly plays in our world - even with how the subject has contributed to the simple evolution of a chair. After we learned about the designers contributions to the evolution of the chair, it was really cool to get to go to the Knowlton Library and see all of these chairs that we had just talked about, in person.
The most interesting thing that I have learned so far, as simple as it may be, is the layout of exactly what the three different disciplines of the design field create and what their primary concerns are. I am the most interested in visual communication design and when we learned how many different things these designers have the ability to create, from brand logos to books or package designs, I was surprised by how much narrower I had originally pictured the field as being. I am definitely looking forward to what else I will learn this quarter.

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