Saturday, April 23, 2011

Course Reflection 02

I can honestly say that the last two weeks in design 200 have been filled with great topics, videos, and assignments that were fun and intersting to be a part of. I really liked the structure and topic of the 5th class on April 11th. The IDEO video was very cool to see and I liked how well the quick lecture about the design process and methodologies behind design applied to the video and lesson. I was amazed by the number and range of different products that the group develops each year and how well they worked together as a team in the environment that they were in. My favorite part about the next class on the 13th was also the video. Design for accessibilty to the entire range of people with disabilities may not be something that you think of when you think "design." It was very interesting to see how much thought has to go into this issue and to watch the video of the new wheelchair design coming to life. Next, the 7th class was by far the most fun class so far. Working in groups to solve and take funny pictures by the answers to our "clues" made for a very creative and effective assignment. Lastly, the 8th class on April 20th was also very interesting and the videos were, again, my favorite part. It was almost mind-blowing to see all of the different things that people have come up with and invented over the last few years and to hear the extremely varying ranges of places that their inspiration came from such as bumble bees and whales. This class is definitely covering "design" from every angle and I truly am very interested to see what else we will learn this quater.

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