Sunday, May 29, 2011

Journal 09: Coleman Project - Personal Documentation

Links to Teammates: Golnaz M., Kris D., Joseph L.

The Coleman for the Home project was a great way to wrap up the quarter and apply a little bit of all of the design fields to one assignment. I really enjoyed working with my group because we were all able to use our separate strengths on different parts of the assignment and we all worked together and got along very well. As a team, we chose to create the "HoTTop" by Coleman. This product is a portable, durable, space saving cooktop that also works to incorporate other products that Coleman already manufactures such as the Thermoelectric Refrigerator. We were all able to come to the conclusion that this is the product that we wanted to create and present very quickly. We all threw our ideas together and used each of our in class work days to build up or product and finish our project to make it the best that we could. I would have to say that we were all very organized and efficient in getting our work done and sent to one another to incorporate in our separate parts.

Personal Contributions to the Project:
- Bringing everyone together and working to make sure that everything is on track to be completed
- Brainstorming ideas for all aspects
- Creating the powerpoint presentation by pulling all pieces of the project together, scanning parts into the computer, designing the presentation layout, and making sure everyone understood and agreed with the order and wording of all slides - The completed power point can be found below:

If we were asked to do this project again, I would want to better facilitate the assignment by helping with one of the computer aided designs such as the google sketch up of the HoTTop, packaging, or kiosk. Golnaz did a lot of this work herself and I would have wanted to help her out the second time around.

Overall, I think this project was a great idea to in incorporated into design 200. The presentations were very interesting to watch and I enjoyed working with my group to complete our assignment.

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